Flat out: No one covers energy at the Texas Legislature as well as The Texas Energy Report.
And that’s in addition to our regular coverage of daily news, breaking news, quarterly earnings, stocks and what the other news media are saying.
You’re busy. You don’t have time to scrutinize the Legislature every day. That’s why we do it for you.
From close coverage of big issues such as Eminent Domain and the controversial Electricity “Right of First Refusal” Law down to the Railroad Commission budgets, new Alternative Energy strategies and Renewables laws — and the funny and strange stuff that happens on the floor of the House and Senate, the Texas Energy Report is the leader in energy coverage for the Lone Star State.
This is just a small sampling of the daily coverage of the Legislature (fondly referred to as The Lege), stories as they appeared in TER in 2019. Here’s just part of one day’s report….
Following the winding path of big stories as they make their way…
To their conclusion…
Our “energetic” coverage is keeping an eye on the Legislature so you don’t have to.
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