14 Years Bringing You News from the Energy Capital of the Planet
Author: <span>Shiloh</span>

Carbon Action Group Documents Suggest Emission Reduction Credits Ineffective: Report

May 9, 2024 — Draft documents drawn up by an influential corporate climate action group suggest that, based on “empirical and observational evidence…some or most emission reduction credits are ineffective in delivering emissions reductions.”

That wording appears on document pages in a news story Thursday morning.

The staff documents, from the Science-based Targets initiative (SBTi), a “UN-backed nonprofit that audits the emission reduction plans of companies,” are based on a review of evidence in scientific papers and other submissions by interested …

Energy Industry Surges as Demand Rises

By Alex Mills

Demand for energy continues to increase from coast to coast, and record production continues to grow from a variety of sources.

Crude oil and natural gas, which account for 80% of the nation’s energy, almost set a new record for monthly production in February, according to data released by the Energy Information Administration this week. U.S. oil production was 13.2 million barrels per day (b/d) in February just short of 13.3 million b/d record set in December 2023. Natural gas production totaled 128,058 million cubic feet per day (mmcf/d) in February also just short of the December 2023 record of 128,883 mmcf/d.

The increase in production has helped the bottom line of many companies, too. The two largest integrated petroleum companies based in the U.S., ExxonMobil and Chevron, reported healthy financials this week. ExxonMobil reported $8.2 billion in net profit, and Chevron said it had a net profit of $5.5 billion during the first quarter (January-March).

Oil prices averaged $80 per barrel, but natural gas has been fighting a large oversupply and unusually low prices just below $2 mmcf. EIA estimated natural gas consumption in February 2024 was 102.4 Bcf/d  a 2.8% decrease compared with February 2023 (105.3 Bcf/d). It was the lowest daily rate of natural gas consumption for the month since 2018, according to EIA.

U.S. electricity generation from wind turbines decreased for the first time since the mid-1990s in 2023 despite the addition of 6.2 gigawatts (GW) of new wind capacity last year, according to EIA. U.S, wind generation in 2023 totaled 425,235 gigawatthours (GWh), 2.1% less than the 434,297 GWh generated in 2022.

U.S. wind capacity increased steadily over the last several years, more than tripling from 47.0 GW in 2010 to 147.5 GW at the end of 2023, EIA said.

“The 2023 decline in wind generation…

Earthquakes Are Moving Northeast in Midland Basin of Texas: University of Texas at Austin Study

May 6, 2024 — After analyzing seven years of earthquake data from the Midland Basin, a team of scientists at The University of Texas at Austin has found that seismic activity is probably on the move northeast toward the community of Big Spring.

Although most past quakes happened in the southwest region near Odessa and Midland, the researchers identified a seismicity trend moving along a newly identified and extensive seismogenic fault zone stretching toward the northeast edge of the basin.

“The fault zone has been activated, and it has the capability to trigger additional earthquakes that can be felt by humans, especially because it’s so close to major cities along Interstate 20,” said Dino Huang, a research assistant professor at the Jackson School of Geosciences who led the research.

The results were published in the journal Seismological Research Letters.

The study is based on data collected by TexNet, a statewide seismic monitoring network operated by the Bureau of Economic Geology, a research unit of the Jackson School. From January 2017 to November 2023, TexNet recorded 1,305 earthquakes in the area, the vast majority of them very…

A Virus Could Help Save Billions of Gallons of Wastewater Produced by Fracking

April 30, 2024 — An estimated 168 billion gallons of wastewater — or produced water — is generated annually by the Permian Basin fracking industry, according to a 2022 report by the Texas Produced Water Consortium. The major waste stream has proved both difficult and costly to treat because of the chemical complexity of the water.

In a new study published in the journal Water, researchers at The University of Texas at El Paso have identified a novel means of treating the wastewater generated by oil and gas production: bacteriophages.

Ramón Antonio Sánchez, a doctoral candidate within UTEP’s chemistry program, is the first author on the publication, detailing how bacteriophages, viruses that are often highly specific and lethal to a single species of bacteria, can be used as a rapid and cost-effective method to treat produced water on an industrial scale.

Sánchez said if the work is successful, it would give the oil and gas industry a means of treating, reusing and recycling produced water, rather than the…

Has Biden’s War on America’s Oil & Gas Failed?

By Alex Mills

Sometimes events happen over time that are hard to explain and understand.

Take, for example, President Biden’s war against America’s oil and gas industry yet last year American producers set records for both crude oil and natural gas production becoming the largest producing country in history.

How can that happen?

Well, Mr. Biden has tried, but his attempts have failed, so far.

Biden and his team of bureaucrats have proposed, proclaimed, stated, and issued some 200 actions that will have a negative impact on the oil and gas industry in the U.S., according to a report issued by the Institute for Energy Research.

On his first day in office, Jan. 20, 2021, he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, issued a moratorium on all oil and natural gas leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and revoked Trump administration executive orders that decreased regulations in order to expand domestic production.

For the next three years, his administration has proposed $150 billion in additional taxes on the industry, strenuous environmental regulations, and even tried to manipulate the price of oil by releasing some 180 million barrels from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

U.S. Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., led a coalition of 24 senators expressing “grave concern” about Biden’s “continued hostility towards American energy production.”

A few weeks ago the U.S. House of Representatives focused on a number of energy issues to increase access to America’s oil and natural gas resources and strengthen energy infrastructure. Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX) said: “One of the only promises that President Biden has followed through on is his campaign vow to ‘end fossil fuels.’”

But instead of driving the industry out of business, oil and gas production is at an all-time high. U.S. oil production has increase 19.8% since January…

Cooler Transformers Could Help Electric Grid: UT Austin

April 18, 2024 — Most people do not give the U.S. electric grid a second thought — we flip a switch and the lights come on. Behind the scenes are thousands of power plants and utilities linked by millions of miles of transmission lines. And to make raw electricity useful, grid transformers convert high voltage to lower voltage that millions of households can plug into.

Transformers are aging and approaching an average of being 30 to 40 years old. Plus, they face more stress than ever before brought on by factors such as renewable energy and by extreme weather events such as hurricanes, heat waves, and winter storms.  Case in point — the 2021 event in Texas that left millions powerless.

That is when University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) researchers decided to look inside grid transformers to see if they could make them better. Grid transformers are filled with copper windings, other metallic components, and cellulose-based electrical insulation like kraft paper. The cellulose insulation is a great electrical insulator essential in the process of ‘stepping down’ voltage, but it also traps heat, which can lead to overheating.

“We’ve researched a new class of nanomaterials where we take conventional cellulose-based paper and dope it with high thermal conductivity nanometer and micrometer-sized particles,” said Vaibhav Bahadur, an associate professor in the Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin. Bahadur is the corresponding author of a study that modeled the impact of high thermal conductivity paper on the performance and life of grid transformers published March 2024 in Cell Press journal Heliyon. This is the first study that predicts the extent to which tuning the thermal conductivity of paper can enhance transformer life.

Simulations on the Stampede2 supercomputer of the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) helped Bahadur and his collaborators engineer solutions to overheat of grid transformers — a critical component of the electric grid.

Collaborators at the University of Maryland and the USDA Forest Products Laboratory fabricated the high thermal conductivity paper using nanoparticles of boron nitride. Bahadur’s lab built a 3D model of the transformer to mimic an actual grid transformer taken apart and studied by study co-author Robert Hebner, also in the Cockrell School of Engineering.

“The experimental part of the study was critical in testing whether to invest in improving the transformer installation,” Hebner said. “We had a transformer donated to The Center for Electromechanics, which was powered by UT Austin’s one megawatt micro grid. We could connect it and run the temperatures up and down, and we could measure how the transformer behaved. The model and the measurements meshed very well,” Hebner said.

“Our results indicate that if the thermal conductivity is increased by a few times using the engineered paper, the hotspot temperature inside a transformer can be…

US Natural Gas Trade Will Continue to Grow with the Startup of New LNG Export Projects: IEA

U.S. monthly natural gas trade

Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO)

In the US Energy Information Administration’s recently released Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), we forecast that U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports will continue to lead growth in U.S. natural gas trade as three LNG export projects currently under construction start operations and ramp up to full production by the end of 2025. We also forecast increased natural gas exports by pipeline, mainly to Mexico. In our STEO forecast, net exports of U.S. natural gas (exports minus imports) grow 6% to 13.6 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in 2024 compared with 2023. In 2025, net exports increase another 20% to 16.4 Bcf/d.

We forecast that U.S. LNG exports increase 2% in 2024 to average 12.2 Bcf/d. In 2025, we forecast that LNG exports grow by an additional 18% (2.1 Bcf/d). We forecast U.S. natural gas exports by pipeline to grow by 3% (0.3 Bcf/d) in 2024 and by 4% in 2025. We expect pipeline imports to decline by 0.4 Bcf/d in 2024 and then increase slightly (0.1 Bcf/d) in 2025.

In 2024–25, we forecast that existing U.S. LNG export facilities will run at similar utilization rates as in 2023. Annual maintenance typically occurs in the spring and fall, when global LNG demand is lower and temperatures are mild. In April and May 2024, we expect LNG exports to decline while two of the three trains at the Freeport LNG export facility undergo annual maintenance. Later in 2024, we expect that Plaquemines LNG Phase I and Corpus Christi Stage 3 will begin…

U.S. Energy Production Set Records in 2023

By Alex Mills

Energy production in the U.S. set records in 2023 and 2024 looks even better.

The U.S. produced more crude oil than in any country in history at 13 million barrels per day (b/d). Natural gas, wind and solar had a record-setting year, too.

Investors are taking notice.

Oil company stocks, which were dismal mid-year 2023, began to reverse in January.  The stock of both of the U.S. based intergraded oil companies have increased. ExxonMobil opened at $100 in January and closed at $119 April 2, and Chevron is up 7% from $149 to $159.

Many independent exploration-and-production (E&P) companies also have increased stock values this year. Marathon Oil Corp. and Diamondback Energy are leading the group jumping 39% and 29%, respectively. Marathon opened the year at $152 per share and rose to $211 on April 2. Diamondback went from $155 to $200.

Other E&P companies showing double-digit increases are Pioneer Natural Resources at 17%, Devon 13%, ConocoPhillips 12%, and…

Valero, Oil Companies, Government Point Fingers Over Cleanup of World War II-Era Pollution: Analysis

April 3, 2024 — Twelve of 13 refineries operated by San Antonio-based Valero Energy were part of a World War Two effort by the Roosevelt administration to produce fuel for the military effort, but as a side effect hazardous wastes were produced that have since leaked into the surrounding environments.

In the years since, a number of Valero affiliates have gone to court to ask that the federal government shoulder at least some of the financial burden for cleaning up the waste, because the government effectively operated those refineries as part of their extensive oversight at the time — and now the issue is before the US Supreme Court.

A Michigan federal district court agreed with Valero that the feds should hold some responsibility, including payouts of up to $50 million per refinery for cleanup, but as an analysis…

Oil Prices Rise Amid Uncertainty About Supply

By Alex Mills

Crude oil prices in the U.S. and internationally moved upward as fighting in the Middle East increased uncertainty about oil supplies.

Brent crude oil traded on the international exchange reached $86 per barrel and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) rose to $81 on March 27.

“While demand uncertainty persists, geopolitics risk, a weakening dollar, and OPEC+ supply cuts have moved prices higher,” OilPrice.com reported.

Ukraine drone strikes on Russian refineries and the fighting in the Middle East have resulted in hedge funds increasing long positions held on the New York Mercantile Exchange WTI rise by 50 million barrels and ICE Brent net longs increased by almost 55 million barrels, the biggest positioning move of the year so far, according to OilPrice.com.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas released its quarterly survey of oil company executives this week and a majority expects WTI oil price to average $80 at year-end 2024.

Activity in the oil and gas sector was relatively unchanged in the first quarter of 2024, according to oil and gas executives responding to the Dallas Fed Energy Survey.

“The business activity index, the survey’s broadest measure of conditions energy firms in the Eleventh District face, was 2.0 in the first quarter, suggesting little to no growth…

What are the energy impacts from the Port of Baltimore closure? Considerable, Says EIA

annual share of U.S. coal exports from the Port of Baltimore

Data source: U.S. Census Bureau

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge into the Patapsco River on March 26 has temporarily halted all shipping traffic from the Port of Baltimore. In this article for the US Energy Information Administration, we examine implications for energy-related trade.

The port is the second-largest exporting hub for coal in the United States, accounting for 28% of total coal exports in 2023, according to Census Bureau data. It is second only to Norfolk, Virginia, also known as Hampton Roads.

How much coal moves through the Port of Baltimore?

In three of the past five years, annual coal exports from the Port of Baltimore totaled around 20 million short tons, with the only exception occurring in 2020 when the reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic dampened coal demand worldwide.

Exports from Baltimore surged to 28 million short tons in 2023, mainly because of growing demand for U.S. coal in Asia. Even before the port’s closure, we were expecting much slower growth in total U.S. coal exports…

GVEC Announces Collaboration With Enphase Energy for Storage-Based Demand Response Program: Press Release

March 27, 2024 — GVEC, a progressive cooperative serving over 120,000 consumers in south central Texas, is proud to announce a collaboration with Enphase Energy, a global energy technology company and the world’s leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems.

The partnership will provide GVEC’s members the opportunity to participate in a trailblazing battery storage-based demand response program, Peak-Time Payback (PTP).

One of the first of its kind in the state, the program is just one step in GVEC’s strategic plans to help keep rates fair and competitive for members as well as support the overall resiliency and sustainability of the Texas electrical grid year-round.

GVEC members with Enphase IQ batteries are incentivized to join the program with one initial bill credit upon registration and an on-going annual bill credit based on the capacity rating of their system.

During times of high demand throughout the year, GVEC, working in conjunction with Parsons (formerly IPKeys Power Partners) and Enphase, can access up to 70% of the total capacity of each battery system to discharge back into the home reducing or eliminating the home’s reliance on the grid….

Texas House Speaker Forms Select Committee To Look Into LNG Exports Pause

March 25, 2024 — The Speaker of the Texas House, Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont), has formed a select committee to look at the President’s recent pause on future LNG export permits.

It’s to be led by Representative Jared Patterson (R-Frisco); other members include Rep. Christian Manuel (D-Beaumont), Rep. Brooks Landgraf (R-Odessa), Rep. Mary Ann Perez (D-Houston) and Rep. Cody Vasut (R-Angleton).

The committee is tasked with “analyzing the federal government’s legal authority to take such action; assessing the potential economic, environmental…

U.S. House Considers Legislation During Energy Week

By Alex Mills

The U.S. House of Representatives focused on a number of energy issues last week during Energy Week to increase access to America’s oil and natural gas resources, strengthen energy infrastructure, and repeal taxes on energy production that weaken U.S. security.

The House passed the Protecting American Energy Production Act by a vote of 229-118, which would block a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing. The bill specifically limits executive power and states that “the President may not declare a moratorium on the use of hydraulic fracturing unless such moratorium is authorized by an Act of Congress.”

The House also passed “Restoring American Energy Dominance Act,” sponsored by Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo. The bill would stop the Bureau of Land Management from increasing royalty rates charged to companies drilling on public lands.

The House also has plans to take up several other energy-related bills and resolutions against President Joe Biden’s “radical, anti-energy agenda.”

Legislation on the agenda would repeal the greenhouse gas reduction fund, make it easier to build energy projects in wetlands and curb legal challenges from environmental groups.

House Speaker Mike Johnson and Majority Leader Steve Scalise, both Republicans from Louisiana, were among the leaders in putting together Energy Week, and both said they want to protect American energy dominance.

In announcing Energy Week Scalise declared that “people know they are paying too much because of the far-left agenda.”

“We’re bringing bills on the House floor…

Texas Heat Index Rising Faster Than Temperature, Study Finds

March 24, 2024 — A new study of summer weather in Texas finds the heat index — an indicator of how hot it feels outside — is rising much faster than the temperature.

The reason, scientists say, is that warming is leading to a rise in humidity. Historically in Texas, the relative humidity would fall when the temperature rose, making it possible to cool off by sweating.

But now Texas is seeing high heat and high humidity together.

On hot, muggy days, the air is so saturated with water that sweat sticks to the skin rather than evaporating.

As a result, the weather feels much…

Strong Texas, NM Winds Cause Xcel To Consider “De-Energizing” Some Power Lines

March 24, 2024 — High winds expected in Texas and New Mexico, coupled with dry conditions [and recent blame on power companies for some wildfires] may cause Xcel Energy to “de-energize” some power lines on Sunday, the company said, and as a worst case, power could be out for a while.

The Minneapolis-based power company emphasized that should electricity be interrupted in any one area, it could be localized and caused by downed tree branches or other problems; it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a deliberate outage.

Southwest winds up to 45 miles per hour with gusts up to 65 mph are expected in some areas of the Texas panhandle and portions of New Mexico, according to the National Weather Service, with a High Wind Warning in effect from 11 am until 10 pm on Sunday.

“In certain limited areas, Xcel Energy may de-energize power lines on Sunday as a last resort measure to reduce the risk of a wildfire and ensure public safety,” including concerns about damage to electrical equipment, the regulated electric utility and natural gas delivery company said in…

They’re In: The TER 4th Quarter 2023 Texas Energy Companies Earnings Roundup

Compare results from nearly 100 Texas companies

This Texas Energy Report database is published each quarter and is updated as earnings are released throughout the reporting period.

Click on the name of the company for more information about the quarterly earnings report, usually from the company’s own press release



American Electric Power (Nasdaq: AEP) today reported fourth-quarter 2023 earnings, prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), of $336 million or $0.64 per share, compared with GAAP earnings of $384 million or $0.75 per share in fourth-quarter 2022. Operating earnings for fourth-quarter 2023 were $647 million or $1.23 per share, compared with operating earnings of $540 million or $1.05 per share in fourth-quarter 2022. Operating earnings is a non-GAAP measure representing GAAP earnings excluding special items.

Year-end 2023 GAAP earnings were $2.2 billion or $4.26 per share, compared with GAAP earnings of $2.3 billion or $4.51 per share for year-end 2022. Year-end 2023 operating earnings were $2.7 billion or $5.25 per share, compared with operating earnings of $2.6 billion or $5.09 per share for year-end 2022.

The difference between GAAP and operating earnings for the fourth quarter and year-end 2023 was largely due to the disallowance of recovery of certain deferred fuel costs in West Virginia, the probable disallowance of certain capitalized costs associated with the Turk Plant, and the mark-to-market impact of economic hedging activities.



Amplify Energy

  • Achieved average total production of 20.8 MBoepd
  • Generated net cash provided by operating activities of $28.4 million and net income of $43.6 million
  • Delivered Adjusted EBITDA of $25.2 million
  • Generated $14.4 million of free cash flow




During the fourth-quarter 2023, APA reported net income attributable to common stock of $1.8 billion, or $5.78 per share on a fully diluted basis. When adjusted for certain items that impact the comparability of results, APA’s fourth-quarter earnings totaled $352 million or $1.15 on a diluted share basis.

Reported fourth-quarter production was 414,000 BOE per day; adjusted production, which excludes Egypt noncontrolling interest and tax barrels, was 341,000 BOE per day. Net cash provided by operating activities in the fourth quarter was $1.0 billion, and adjusted EBITDAX was $1.4 billion.

For the full-year 2023, APA reported net income of $2.9 billion, or $9.25 per diluted common share. On an adjusted basis, APA’s 2023 earnings totaled $1.4 billion or $4.53 per diluted common share.



Archrock Inc.

  • Revenue for the fourth quarter of 2023 was $259.6 million compared to $218.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2022. Revenue for 2023 was $990.3 million compared to $845.6 million in 2022.
  • Net income for the fourth quarter of 2023 was $33.0 million compared to $10.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2022. Net income for 2023 was $105.0 million compared to $44.3 million in 2022.
  • Adjusted EBITDA (a non-GAAP measure defined below) for the fourth quarter of 2023 was $120.3 million compared to $89.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2022. Adjusted EBITDA for 2023 was $450.4 million compared to $363.3 million in 2022.
  • Leverage ratio at the end of the fourth quarter of 2023 was 3.5x compared to 4.4x at the end of the fourth quarter of 2022.




Fiscal 2023:

  • Earnings per diluted share was $6.10 for the year ended September 30, 2023; $0.80 per diluted share for the fourth fiscal quarter.
  • Consolidated net income was…

EIA Increases Oil Price Forecast Following OPEC+ Production Cut Extension

world liquid fuels production and consumption balance

Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), March 2024

March 21, 2024 — The Energy Information Administration said on Thursday, “We increased our forecast prices for crude oil and petroleum products for the remainder of 2024 in our March Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) following the announcement that OPEC+ will extend the existing voluntary production cuts through the second quarter of 2024. We now forecast significantly less global oil production than world oil consumption through the first half of 2024, requiring draws on world petroleum stocks (inventory). Stock draws tend to increase oil prices.

“We reduced our forecast for world oil production in the second quarter of 2024 (2Q24) to 101.3 million barrels per day (b/d) in the March STEO in response to OPEC+ extending its cuts. That results in global oil production that is 0.9 million b/d less than our forecast of 102.2 million b/d for world oil consumption. Although we expected some OPEC+ countries to continue to restrict production, we expect the March 3 announcement to result in larger cuts to production than we had previously assumed. The announcement includes an additional voluntary production cut from Russia.

“The current OPEC+ agreement includes two types of production cuts. The first type is officially stated production targets, and the second type is additional voluntary cuts pledged by certain OPEC+ countries. Although our previous forecast assumed that some OPEC+ members would maintain voluntary cuts—which had been set to expire after 1Q24—through 2Q24, this new announcement pledges that cuts will be continued for all member countries through the first half of 2024. Because OPEC+ did not…

RRC Commissioners Assess Over $3 Million in Penalties

March 19, 2024 — The Railroad Commission of Texas assessed $3,141,077 in fines involving 775 enforcement dockets against operators and businesses at the Commissioners’ Conference on Tuesday. The Commission has primary oversight and enforcement of the state’s oil and gas industry and intrastate pipeline safety.

Ninety-one dockets involved $1,217,351.30 in penalties after operators failed to appear at Commission enforcement proceedings. Master Default Orders can be found on the RRC Hearings Division webpage.

Operators were ordered…

Biden Administration Seeks New Restrictions on U.S. Oil and Gas Industry

By Alex Mills

The battle over the future of America’s petroleum industry continues to rage as “President Biden has used every weapon and every tool available to him to make producing American energy more difficult,” as one Texas Congressman said.

Rep. August Pfluger (R-Tx), who chairs the House Energy Action Team, pointed to two new regulations proposed by Washington bureaucrats creating more restrictions on exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the U.S. and requires the industry to begin reporting greenhouse gas emissions.

Pfluger introduced a bill to amend the Natural Gas Act repealing restriction on the import and export of natural gas, and it passed by a vote of 224-200 in the House of Representatives.

Additionally, a group of nine Democrats from Texas have joined with the Texas Republicans in signing a letter to Biden asking him to stop implementing restrictions on LNG exports.

“Your continued prioritization of LNG exports ensures a future marked by affordable, accessible, and sustainable energy resources that foster global stability and propel the energy transition,” the members of Congress wrote in a letter. “We firmly believe that LNG exports hold significant benefits for the U.S. economy, energy security, and bolstering our alliances with U.S. partners across the world. As the United States continues to lead in global stability and energy resources, the export of U.S. LNG is a linchpin for fostering strong international partnerships, diversifying energy supplies, and reducing dependence on volatile regions. The Administration’s support for U.S. LNG is not only a boon for America but a beacon for the world’s pursuit of cleaner, more sustainable energy sources.”

The decision to ban exports creates uncertainty and discourages investments that would otherwise create jobs and expand the supply of natural gas, Pfluger said.

The Securities and Exchange Commission recently issued new greenhouse reporting requirement for the oil and gas industry, and several states and industry groups sued to stop the regulations.

The suit states Congress did not authorize the SEC to demand that companies report environmental or any other controversial issues completely unrelated to finance.

Meanwhile, the price of natural gas has dropped, closing in mid-week at $1.66 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) because of large oversupply, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

“We expect the Henry Hub spot price to remain below $2 per MMBtu in 2Q24 (second quarter 2024) as the winter heating season ends with natural gas inventories 37% above the five-year average,” EIA stated. “The Henry Hub spot price averaged $1.72/MMBtu in February…